• Tim Fogarty's avatar
    TOOLS-2974 Add tests for 5.1 & 5.2, fix multiple tests (#412) · c311245e
    Tim Fogarty authored
    This PR includes multiple additions and fixes to testing:
    - Fix some bugs in `binaryurl.py` that caused it not to find the correct URL.
    - Set the project in the evergreen validate command (TOOLS-2515).
    - Update merge key syntax in `common.yml` (TOOLS-2906).
    - Put the shell commands for `"run qa-tests"` and `"run native-cert-ssl"` into their own bash scripts where we get the correct python binary, setup venv, and install python dependencies.
    - Copy `netsnmp.dll` to the `bin` folder when downloading `mongod` on Windows.
    - Add tests for 5.1 and 5.2 (TOOLS-2974 and TOOLS-2979).
    - Download the enterprise edition for all distros where possible (AWS auth tests require the enterprise edition).
    - Do not run AWS auth tests in macOS distro since it uses the community edition.
    - Skip kerberos tests on SUSE distros (TODO: TOOLS-3014).
    - Do not run MMAPv1 tests on PPC RHEL 7.1 (mmap is does not work for some reason. Didn't open a ticket for this since mmap is deprecated anyway).
    - Skip AWS auth tests on PPC RHEL 8.1 (TODO: TOOLS-3015).
    - Add correct resmoke SSL/TLS args to ZAP distros.
    - Regenerate test TLS certs so the CA and IA have different subjects.
    - Add the new format for build tags (https://go.dev/doc/go1.17#build-lines).
    - Change the timing in `TestManagerStartAndStop()` to be less stringent so it is less flaky.
    - Increase time in `TestBasicProgressBar()` so it is less flaky.
    - Close open files in `TestTimeseriesCollections()`.
    - Skip the `dropDatabase` check in `TestOplogRestoreUpdatesIndexCatalog()` (TODO: TOOLS-3016).
    - Update unsupported commands in js tests.
    - Convert resmoke from python2 to python3.
    - Skip:
        - `dumping_dropped_collections.js` (TODO: TOOLS-3019)
        - `write_concern.js` (TODO: TOOLS-3017)
        - `write_concern_mongos.js` (TODO: TOOLS-3017)
        - `stat_discover.js` (TODO: TOOLS-3018)